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We work to ensure our staff and consumers have access to the tools to be successful. We strive to make sure we are knowledgeable of all the latest DMAS updates and how they impact you and your care.

Attendant/EOR Resources

Virginia’s Online Directory: Available for Consumer-Directed attendants. This allows you to search for attendants, as well as look for work as attendant.

Contact Information

Contacting PPL:

  1. Email address for PPL support: – PPL now offers email as an option for non-urgent support issues.  PPL will respond to email inquiries within 24 hours on business days.  If you are sending secure/sensitive information in the email such as your Medicaid ID or home address or social, please put the words “Secureemail” in the subject line.  This will automatically send the email to PPL securely.

  2. Phone number: (866) 259-3009.

Contacting DMAS:

  1. Phone Number: (804) 786-7933

  2. Email: 

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